... rom-4-to-2
To summarise:
- Halifax's Reward and Ultimate Reward current accounts will pay £3/mth rather than £5/mth from next February.
- Bank of Scotland's Reward and Ultimate Reward accounts will also pay £3/mth rather than £5/mth from next February.
- Club Lloyds current account will halve its headline interest rate from 4% to 2% in January.
- TSB Classic Plus current account will pay 3% on amounts up to £1,500 from January, down from 5% on up to £2,000. AND they will change TSB Plus to Enhance accounts for people with more than 1 plus account
- Santander - already gone to 1.5% and £5/month
BUT what does this leave? No news (yet) on...
BOS Classic Vantage (3%)
Tesco (3%)
Nationwide FlexDirect (5% for 1 yr)
2-3% the new normal? All shifting to P2P?